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Children's School

Questions to ask the office administrator

Good morning, I have a few questions I would like to ask.

  • When will registration start for kindergarten students?

  • What documents do I need to register my son/daughter?

  • What are the school hours?

  • How do I contact the school if my child is sick?

  • How do I contact the teacher?

  • Do we qualify for bussing?

  • What grade does this school go up to?

  • We are moving.  Do I need any documents to give to the new school?

Leaving a voice mail message to register your child at a school

Hi this is (Parent/Guardian), (Student Name) father, I would like to speak to someone with regards to registering my child at your school.  Please give me a call back at 111-777-8888. My number again is 111-777-8888. Thank you.

Leaving a voice mail message at the school because your child has a doctor's appointment

Hi this is (Parent/Guardian), (Student Name) (Students relation eg. mother), student number 3433.  (Student Name) has a doctor's appointment and she will not be coming to school today.  Thank you.

Leaving a voice mail message to speak to the teacher

Hi this is (Parent/Guardian), (Student Name), (Student's relation eg. father).  She is in (Teacher's Name) class.  I would like to speak to (Teacher's Name) about a concern I have about (Student's Name) Science project.  Please call me back to set up a time.  My number is 111-777-8888.  My number again is 111-777-8888.  Thank you.

Questions to ask a teacher


  • How do you prefer to communicate with me? (Phone/Email)

  • What are my child's strengths?

  • What do you think my child struggles with academically?

  • How is my child doing socially?

  • How is their behaviour in class?

  • Does my child participate in answering questions?

  • Is my child on grade level for (subject)?

  • Do you offer any additional help? 

  • Do you have any concerns about my child?

  • How can I help my child be successful this year?

Elementary School            Kindergarten - Grade 5

Middle School                   Grade 6 - Grade 8 

High School (Secondary)   Grade 9 - Grade 12


  • Did you explain what information you needed?

  • Did you give all the necessary details?

  • Did you ask all the questions?

  • Did you repeat back all the important information?  (school address - dates -class times - teacher information) 

  • Did you thank the other person for their help and information?

  • Did you thank the teacher after the interview.


      Thank you for all your help. Thanks for being patient with my child.  You are a wonderful teacher.  My son/daughter loves your class. 

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